Want To Join Us ?

Heah there magical friend. Do you have a great download trick / effect idea you would like to sell ?

Why not join our list of creators, it’s simple.

1: You will need 2 things, a performance video of your effect, and a tutorial video. (A higher quality video helps with to get your trick accepted)

2: Once we have accepted your trick, we will arrange for you to upload your videos.

3: We will securely host your videos, Add your trick to our product range, market your trick and split any sales with you. (All we take is 20% + PayPal transaction fees, the rest is yours and we pay you right away to your PayPal)

If this is all cool for you, the next step is to use the form below to tell us about your effect. Give us a brief out line of the effect and a link where we can see a presentation of it. If we love it or not we will contact you with our answer.