The world of microphones is vast and as a performer you need to know at least some basics. Here is a video which will point you in at least the right direction.
Category:Geno’s Tip & Tricks
In the greatest business we call show … lies a dark and murky underbelly. Geno’s Tips & Tricks offers advise and ideas on a variety of different topics, Some text based, some video based … BUT ALL FREE …. Geno shares tips and tricks from his many years of experience at the very top of the profession.
A quick audio edit
In our shows music production can often seem very daunting. Choosing the right kind of music can take ages BUT once you have it, what then? Is it too long? not long enough etc etc etc …. Here is a quick video on easy music editing … just to point you in the right direction.
Lets create a new act …
Coming up in October I will be performing at the Happy Valley 2022 Magic Festival, as I have done this festival many many times (20 times to be exact), So for my 21st Im taking a new act. new costume, new music, new/revamped routines. It’s a long post sorry about that but I have tried[…]Read More …
Nothing wrong with being humble …
So recently Ive been seeing a lot of posts on the facebook magic groups on things like, how much to charge, how to get gigs, how to act at gigs At the end of the day as markets vary, locations vary, situations vary, which seem to escape a lot of people there has been[…]Read More …
Lets fit a stand to a box (Quickly)
Jeans or your ego .. costumes deep dive …
Well here we are in 2021 and we are living in a very cool age for performance. The new breed of tattooed street magician is super popular and with it comes the ability of wearing just about what you want for a show .. BUT AND I SAID A HUGE BUT …. theres something you[…]Read More …
Social media videos – hidden death or gold?
This my own personal account so far on my social media journey. The year was 2020 During this time a lot of us have taken to the social media route for different reasons, some of us are doing very well at it, a buddy of mine in South Africa has just hit 14 Million followers[…]Read More …
Internet magic Groups – awesome or curse?
If you are just starting out on your magical journey, these internet magic groups can be a blessing and a curse. The difference between these online groups and real life magic clubs is most defiantly the anonymity of the being behind a keyboard. In real life if you show a magic trick people are face[…]Read More …
A look at tables and boxes
As a performer of any kind your props need some form of home on stage, be it a table, case or box. Here is a video tips & tricks on 6 of the tables and cases I use in different shows. The video runs a almost 30 minutes and covers a-lot. Im sure you will[…]Read More …
A little known Math Magic Principle
So the other day someone asked if I knew how to force the number 3. There is a very old math magic principle that does just that. Its not that useful but it’s one of those things is nice to know in case you need it. So the other day someone asked if I knew[…]Read More …