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Misers Dream ! what is it all about ?

A timeless classic of magic is of course, Misers Dream, the effect is simple, coins are produced from nowhere and dropped into a metal pail. Sounds simple enough right? Well it comes in many variations and this is why its become a classic.

The most common question is which is the best bucket. This is a very common question with a long answer, they basically is no such thing as THE BEST ON THE MARKET due to a few reasons …

1: Do you want a gimmicked or none gimmicked bucket ? if you want a gimmicked one then there are different manufactured ones where the gimmick is either on the inside or outside of the bucket .. that becomes personal choice … BUT then comes the second point .. which is generally more thought about .. the sound of the bucket ..

2: the sound of the bucket, how does it sound as coins are dropped in? People have their own opinion on this. Some like a nice shiny bright sound, some like a duller thud. Its a personal thingsSo with this said, If you do want to go for a gimmicked bucket (I don’t recommend it in the long run as your tied to a prop ) check out the different models and find one you like … BUT remember some buckets are made for certain coin sizes. EG: I have a gimmicked bucket in my collection which has been made for Chinese RMB coins and is unless unless you have those coins.

If you really want a gimmicked bucket and your serious about doing the routine then the best one that has ever been IMO, was the Owens bucket .. It covers all the bases, sound, best gimmick, look … BUT its very expensive and you have be lucky enough to find one …

Now if you are prepared to put the time in on the handling before you even look at putting a routine together, then I suggest you get one of the many DVD’s out there, (I recommend the Chris Capeheart DVD, there are none better IMO) learn the handling and the if, whys and whats of the effect. You can use any old bucket for that pretty much, then go out to a hotel /bar supplier store and drop coins in and find a buck that you can work with and one you like the sound.Remember that Misers Dream is an effect that replies on the audible as well as the visual so its important to cover all the aspects.

As a final note, the main things you are looking for in a none gimmicked bucket are1: Size and thickness of bucket, (wall thickness changes the sound) size can be an issue on packing.2: the edge rim of the bucket. IF its too thick or curved at a bad angle, its not easy to do catch ups3: The sound of the bucket, (personal taste)4: The look of the bucket .. Ive seen the most amazing sounding buckets that just look ugly. (again personal taste)