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How do you feel with a clients disrespectful treatment?

Any pro knows that not all client’s are nice, sometimes they can be down right shits … BUT its how you react the them that is more important. Its all part of building good client relationships. To be brutally honest I find that performers that really complain about this is down to their ego. “how dare the client treat me this way bla bla bla”

Im not saying thats you the reader, but in the grand scheme of things, you are there to do a show, you have driven how goodness how many hours to get there. If you do’t have another gig to get to, does it really matter ? So no one has thanked you or congratulated you, they may be asking you to go on late or a host of other possibly unreasonable requests. ….. SO what? .. their money spends just as well as any one else’s. Are you there for your job or to be treated well?

We all know that some clients are nice and some are not, thats the business. Those that get in a huff about not being treated well, do have a choice NOT to work for those clients again … its NOT law. (Im not saying that its right when a clients treats you with disrespect, but its life and its your choice to work again for then or not, working about it wont change them)

After almost 40 years doing this thing we call show, it doesn’t matter at all … give me the money and ill pay my bills and spend the money on enjoying my life. The rest of it is all EGO .. and I dropped that years ago.

Every show no matter what kind, kids show. close Up, corporate, it doesn’t matter … In my man bag, I have an ipad filled with movies, ear buds to escape from the stupid people back stage who just talk talk talk abut how great they are. and I set my show and then wait till show time.

Show biz is not all glamour and bright lights as any pro knows .. hehe …NOW WITH ALL THAT SAID … when I’m out with my Geno’s World Tour show in theaters and people are buying tickets to see me … my promoter is making a shit pile of money off my name … they had better damm well treat me right then .. hahahaha … but thats a different story and a differ show rider …. for next time …. happy gigging ….