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Good Agents Vs Bad Agents

Something ive noticed recently over here in China is some agents are getting worse and worse when it coming to dealing with clients ..

they seem to be only in the mind of saying yes yes yes without thinking what is best for their clients ..

Example that happened to me the other day .. Agent says am i free on such a date, yes I am, can I perform mix and mingle and stage show for them yes I can … Do I have a white costume .. No I dont. Back in the west, if a client wants a themed costume, they will book the PERFORMER they are happy with and then budget if a costume is needed …

Over here it is becoming more common that a sub standard performer would get the gig over a high level performer if said sub standard performer has the right colored costume which is wrong on so many levels … A client should book a performer based on ability, reputation, quality etc NOT based on color of costume … this is a recipe for disaster. Surly is the agents responsibility to advise their clients of this.