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Geno DeVille’s Tossed Out Deck

Firstly my method for tossed out deck … I use a normal deck and 2 one way force decks with the same indifferent card on the bottom of each 1 way deck … you can use a one way force deck and then a 5 stack if you want but I never do …

So I firstly go stage left and have someone in the front row or whatever placement (adapt for venue) check and shuffle the normal deck. i take the deck back in my left hand and under the cover of opening my jacket to take out some elastic bands I do a Shawn Farquhar Deck switch for the first one way deck … that gets elasticated … I thank them and

I then move stage right and toss it and have someone memorize THE FIRST CARD and then TOSS IT BACK TO ME … as I catch it .. i stumble and turn and almost fall .. during that action I switch the second one way deck in . I throw out an odd heckle line for a laugh.

Then I move stage left again and toss it out again .. memorize THE SECOND card and TOSS IT BACK TO ME AGAIN .. move center TOSS IT OUT memorize a 3 rd CARD and then I STOP …… I deliver a line such OK IM BORED with this back and forth please throw it to another person … so the 4th and 5th (OR 6th) cards are thrown by THEM .

Then the cards come back and the reveal is how ever I want as I have SINGLE member on a force … so I can do what ever I want with them.

I name 4 random cards and the bulk force card .. calling them out fast so the group sits as a group .. standard stuff but it leaves a single standing. Then I do a prediction or what ever .

This works because of the moving left and right and back and forth … by then end no one has any idea which order it went in .. so even though the first person is the one left standing .. because of the shuffle member and the left and right … Its forgotten .

anyway, I know it seems complicated in print, to be honest its super simple to execute and its just pure balls to the wall audience management.