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Close Up during food …. no no nooooo

Any good restaurant close up worker know the look of dread as you approach a table while they are in the middle of dinner …. people dont want to be rude for the most part but they also dont want to have to stop their delicious dinner to watch some hack with a deck of cards … So what do you do? …

exactly the same as a good waiter ,,, watch the room constantly … work the tables between courses, dont interrupt the dinner unless they ask you. If their meal arrives while your performing, unless you can see they really want the end … STOP .. and say on the lines of … well your meal is here, enjoy and ill be back later.. as the table Magician you are an added bonus … they are not there to see you .. they are paying money for the food …

Are a romantic couple in the middle of a loving conversation ?? stay away .. until they start to look around the room and then swoop in … every situation is a little different but a lot of it is common sense … how would you feel IF ???? happened.